Sunday, August 8, 2010

Ottawa Busker Fest

--I know I know I've completely sucked at updating Blogs... the truth is I am constantly thinking about blogging but rarely actually sitting down and doing it!---

Last weekend was the Ottawa Busker Festival, in which busker's a.k.a. slightly creepy street performers from all over the world, come to Ottawa to show us their strange and impressive talents. I was in Brampton for most of the weekend so I only caught a few shows on Monday. Basically the busker's set themselves up all along Sparks Street, assemble a huge crowd of people around them, perform for everyone and then super awkwardly ask for money--- sometimes in a long drawn out annoying kind of way that makes you want to walk away and purposely not pay them! For the most part though the whole show is really good and generally most Busker's are pretty funny so its hugely entertaining.
I snapped a few pics for those of you who missed out!

Brynne and Rex came with me!! Beaver Tails are a must any time of year!... get the Maple Syrup one, Brynne got it and it was oh soo soo good!!

Silver Elvis--- not too exciting. He moved robotically to Elvis music. Slightly anti-climatic!

For those living under a box, this is a chalk painting of the famous National Geographic cover from a few years ago. I have no idea how they did this but it is amazing!! Her eyes are crazy in real life and the fact that he captured that with chalk is disgusting! --- Sad that it has rained since then!

So something pretty sweet about the Ottawa Busker Festival is that some pretty big names in the busker world come out! One is John Higby who has performed on David Letterman and holds a Guinness World Record!! He and his wife have performed in over 18 countries. Check out his website

He made yo yo look so easy!! Here he is on a giant unicycle and a tiny one all while yo-yoing with two yo yo's!! It was really cool!!

This performer calls herself Bendy Em. She is a contortionist from Sydney Australia. This performance was def. my favourite of the day! In this first picture she is completely folded in half.

The men in these photos were both randomly chosen from the audience, which makes the stunts even cooler

The Grand Finale of the show is of her squeezing herself into a 16” box!! Its soo cool and yet so disturbing! How is this even possible?!! My legs hurt after sitting cross legged for too long!

I haven't decided yet if the Busker festival is meant to make you feel really untalented --- I kept trying to come up with awesome entertainments I could do.. sadly my best effort was solving a Rubik's Cube, but even that takes me 10 minutes.. I'd have to think of some freakin hilarious jokes. On the other hand I dont think these people have much of a life other than this so maybe its more of a cautionary tale-- spend too much time practicing one thing and this is what you become!! Entertaining either way!!


  1. I think your missing something like this in your post: "Credit goes out to Rex the Great for being amazing and takeing awesome pictures" ;)

    Practice makes you have no life.

  2. I love that the 2 random helpers have on matching outfits...right down to their man-dals.

  3. Sorry Rex You're right!! Credit goes to Rex for being an awesome friend by making me get out of bed and do something with my life, as well as carrying the camera and taking superb pictures when I didn't feel like it!

    Thea I thought the same thing! Also I've never heard of man-dals but I love it!

  4. this looked like it was a lot of fun...i woulda loved to have seen that chalk drawing.

    and b...i think solving a rubic's cube in 10 minutes constitutes as pretty talented!!
